Monday 12 December 2011

Bye, For now, but not forever!

Hello everyone, my name is Tess and I am Vanessa's owner, I am writing this on her behalf since she won't be here anymore. Sadly, I have not been able to pay much attention to her on account of school, hobbies and a lack of interest :( even though she would like to continue her blog she cannot do it without my help so neither Vanessa or myself will be posting here anymore. We might come back one day but not for a while. I have also decided to pursue other interests such as doll collecting, as for Van she will still continue her life in Pet Society, being cute and fashionable as always, only without me. I hope you've enjoyed reading this blog as much as we have enjoyed writing it . . . Thankyou for supporting us! Farewell :')

Love, Vanessa and Tess! xx

Friday 25 November 2011

The leaves are falling . . .

Hello everyone, it's nice to see you :) Firstly, I'd like to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! I'm having a lovely Thanksgiving in Pet Society, this week is truly one of my favourites :D (Ok, I know I say that about every week but this time I really do!) Now I'd like to list and tell you about some of the highlights of this week . . . 

My new autumn outfits:

and . . .

Racing in the stadium against turkeys, while wearing my new Turkey hat which I dug up from the weekly digging map! 

And a new room (duh!) my 'cosy cottage' I like to relax by the fire after playing outside in the cool air . . .

Another room! This is my new autumn entrance, I'm glad I now have a place to put my monarch butterfly tree :) I also think this entrance is a lot more cozy than my previous ones . . . 

And another! :P I changed my front garden to make it look like this:

Well, as you can probably tell I've been quite a busy beaver this week so I've got to get going but I'll be back again next week to share more adventures!

Love, Vanessa! xx 

Friday 18 November 2011

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to the forest we go!

Hi pets and pet owners :) What a wonderful week this is! I know most of you think that this theme is 'recycled' because of the fact that it has been done before, but surely after so many years Pet Society is bound to repeat a theme or two, which I'm quite comfortable with. Besides, I really like some of the items this week!

And lets not forget the lovely outfits this week :D (Did I mention they're for coins?!)

Attempting to make the dwarf top from the weekly digging look like a fashionable coat:


Snow White Outfit

 Self-created Wicked Witch Outfit

And here are my rooms for the week . . .

A beautiful balcony for Snow White so she can sing to the animals :)

The seven dwarfs bedroom - inside their forest cottage

And lastly, the forest and entrance to the dwarf's underground mine

Well, that's it for this week! 

Love, Vanessa! xx

Saturday 12 November 2011

New Room and Blog Design!

I'm back again! I just wanted to tell you that I changed the design of my blog (I hope you like it!) I mean, purple and black are one of my favourite colour combinations but I thought it was time for a change (hopefully now my blog will be easier to read) and I also wanted to share with you, my new Petlings Room! It's made specially for my 7 rainbow petlings :)

I've been wanting to update it for a while now but couldn't find the right furniture, but now I'm really happy with how it looks! What do you think?

Love, Vanessa! xx

Friday 11 November 2011

Dawn of the Dinosaurs

Hi everyone! It's a pleasure to post again, especially seeing as this week is Flintstones-themed. Let me just say I love the Flintstones, definitely one of my (and my owner's!) favourite cartoons. I know Halloween is over :( and it's a bit weird for me not seeing more spooky items in stores this week but I guess I'm also glad the 'Halloween hype' is over! So let me start off my Weekly Update with a recent picture of myself:

I really like this new wig and think it's very cute :)

This is my new Triceratops petling, Tyla (pronounced Tie-la) she is shy and likes to eat sandwiches. I wasn't sure what colour she would come out when I bought her but to my surprise she came out pink! I've never seen a pink triceratops before (we'll I've never actually seen ANY triceratops but you know what I mean!) 

Here is another pic of me, I'm taking a ride (or should I say glide!) on my new Pink Flying Pterodactyl :) It's so cool how it really flies around the room and I love the colour purple mixed with pink!)

And this is my new room, I had a bit of trouble because stone age-themed items aren't my specialty but I tried my best :P So here is my Yabba Dabba Doo Bar! :D

Love, Vanessa! xx

Saturday 5 November 2011

Halloween Costumes!

Vanessa here and instead of doing the normal update for this week's theme, I thought I'd dedicate this post to those wonderful coin outfits that were released late last week. Firstly, I'd like to thank Playfish and Pet Socxiety for NOT making them cash and even though I don't mind spending a bit of cash here and there (hey, a pet needs to look there best, eh?)  I'm very grateful :)

Ok, enough rambling - just one last thing though! - I decided to not just show you pics of me wearing them, because you already know how they look if you've bought them too, instead I designed a room to go with each costume, sticking to the theme! (with me posing in the room of course :P) and now here they are . . .

Insane Alice Costume: Alice's Wonderland? I had a bit of trouble trying to make this room a bit creepy because Alice is just too cute to become a serial killer! :O I really love Alice in Wonderland though, serial killer or not!

Silent Nurse Costume: Haunted Hospital! Has anyone seen the movie Silent Hill? If the nurses from that movie were to work in a hospital it would probably look something like this . . .

 Dream Stalker Costume: Creepy child's bedroom. "Tuck yourself in you better hold on to your teddy, it's Nightmare on Elm Street and guess who's playing Freddy!"

Folding Metal Man Costume: The Robot Revolution. I had a bit of difficulty with this room, seeing as I don't own that much futuristic stuff, but I certainly adore the costume! And who doesn't love Transformers? Surely the best robot movie I've seen!

Golden Poo Costume: Poo Palace! :P I didn't do a full room for this one because I was afraid you'd think I'd gone a bit bonkers, but here's a small pic indicating where poos should belong!

 Cereal Killer Costume: A Cereal Killer's Kitchen? I found the non-movie based costumes a bit harder to design rooms for so here's a Serial Killer Segment! xD

Bloody Prom Queen Costume: Carrie's Prom Nightmare! "As Carrie is crowned Prom Queen, a bucket falls from the rooftop covering her entirely in pig's blood" - end scene from the movie Carrie.

Cannibal Doctor Costume: Hannibal's Prison Cell (from the movie) "On a similar note I must confess to you, I'm giving very serious thought... to eating your wife"

 Hotdog Costume: Fast Food! I know this isn't a room but I wanted to take the meaning of 'fast food' to a whole new level! I really don't know what a giant hotdog holding condiments is meant to do with Halloween but it's still pretty cool! 

Well, that's all of them! I hope you enjoyed it and as always stay tuned for more updates! :)

Love, Vanessa! xx

Saturday 29 October 2011

Tim Burton, Eat your heart out!

Hiya! *Waves paws* so as you might've guessed this "nightmarish" week is dedicated to all things Tim Burton! I'm sure all of you know him but for those who don't he's an American film director, film producer, writer and artist. He is famous for dark, quirky-themed movies such as Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands, Sleepy Hollow, Corpse Bride and Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.

*First of all I'd like to thank my wonderful friends for helping me build the collaborative item this week so fast . . . your the greatest!* - And I really love it too, such nice scenery! :D

 Secondly, here is one of my new favourite outfits, the Undead Bride Outfit! It was so hard to pick only one out of all those cute outfit bundles to share with you, but if I did take a pic of them all, I'd run out of space on my camera! :P

All the items this week are very cute and fit perfectly with the stuff from the previous Halloween weeks. Here is a room with some of the items from this week:

So this is room has a nice sunset view, I think it looks simple but cute and I like to make the colours match in the rooms I create. I liked it so much that I decided to do another room, like this one, but for night time. Here it is:

And just because I'm so room-decorating-obsessed (if there is such a thing! xD) I also wanted to show you my new Ghostly Manor Room! It's very spacious and I just love the animations within the room :)

(With Lightening)

(Without Lightening)

Once again I hope you have enjoyed my post about this week, Happy Halloween everyone and I'm looking forward to posting next week about the LAST theme of Halloween!

Love, Vanessa! xx